Are you curious to "hack facebook password" well then this post is just for you, Most people ask me to tell them the easiest way to hack facebook password, so here are some ways to that hackers take to hack facebookpassword:1.Facebook phishing
3.Facebook new features
See my article on 4 ways on how to hack a facebook password for information on the above methods
But today we will focus on a method which has a high success rate celled Phishing and keylogging,so first of all:
What is phishing?

Phishing is the most commonly used method to hack Facebook. The most widely used technique in phishing is the use of Fake Login Pages, also known as spoofed pages. These fake login pages resemble the original login pages of sites likeYahoo , Gmail, MySpace etc. The victim is fooled to believe the fake facebook page to be the real one and enter his/her password. But once the user attempts to login through these pages, his/her facebook login details are stolen away. However phishing requires specialized knowledge and high level skills to implement. So I recommend the use of Phishing to hack facebook account since it is the easiest one.

Phishing Procedure:

First of all download Facebook fake login page
(Complete the survey to unlock Facebook fake login page)

1.once you have downloded facebook fake login page now extract contents in a folder

2.Now open pass.php and find (CTRL+F) 'http://rafayhackingarticles.blogspot.com' then change it to your to is the 'http://www.google.com.pk'

Note:'http://www.google.com' is the redirection url,When victim will enter his/her email and password he will redirected to'http://www.google.com' instead of "http://rafayhackingarticles.blogspot.com"

Now Save it .

3.Now open facebook fake page in a wordpad

4.Now in the fake page press Ctrl+F and search for the term "action=" now change its value to pass.php i.e. action=pass.php

5.Create an id in www.110mb.com,www.ripway.com or t35.com.

Note:Lots of people have complaint that they get banned from 110mb.com.ripway.com andt35.com so as an alternative you can use ooowebhost.

6.Then upload all the files Facebook.htm,Pass.php in 110mb directory or an other and just test it by going to http://yoursite.110mb.com/Facebook.htm for the fake login page.Just type some info into the text box and then you will see in your file manager that a file called "Facebook.txt" is created, In which the password is stored

7.Go to http://yoursite.110mb.com/Facebookpassword.htm for the stored passwords !

How it works?

When a user types a Username Password in the the text box,The info is sent to "login.php" which acts as a password logger and redirects the page to "LoginFrame2.htm" which shows "There has been a temporary error Please Try Again" in it .So when the person clicks on try again it redirects to the actual URL so that the victim does not know that yoursite is a fake site and gets his Facebook.com password hacked

Can Other People View My Saved Passwords In Firefox?

Let´s assume you´re mozilla firefox user and allow the friend to use your computer without your supervision. If you think that your passwords are protected, then you´re wrong. You friend can easy view your passwords and usernames and tricky you. The problem is that the Firefox lets anyone view all your high security passwords. To view security passwords and usernames , you need only to go to Tools, then Options, in the Security tab click on Saved Passwords. After this, all your passwords are visible to anyone with access to your computer. It looks like this :

But how to protects your passwords ? Firefox has option to set a master password. By setting aMaster Password, user will be promoted to enter the Master Password when access to storedpasswords is needed. Go to Tools, then Options, in the Security tab click on use a masterpassword. Enter password and your security will be at least a little improve.
If you forget master password, you can easy reset it. Just paste this chrome://pippki/content/resetpassword.xul to web addresses and click Reset.
Now you can select your new password and make sure you don’t forget the password again.

Create A Free Visual Mobile Website

Hey,would like to make your own mobile website??? Now here is a great offer for you. Just use the given below trick and get unlimited bandwidth and unlimited hosting for your mobile website. You will also get a free subdomain(you can choose from a list). Also you will be provided with a free site builder that can even be updated from your mobile phone. You can customize your websites with templates readily available. Its totally free to use. You can also add your own ads in your website. You can upload unlimited files and you can even make unlimited number of pages. You can add any script like php,java etc… you can also add css effect to your pages. ….. so what to wait? Just follow these steps and get a free (totally free) mobile website .

Go to xtgem.com
Click on ‘start building’
You can select the main domain under which your site should appeae. It can be done by using thedropdown menu just after site name
Fill the form and agree to terms. If you do everything properly you can start customizing yourwebsite.
You will be taken to a page (once logged in) where you can add or delete pages,customize yourwebsite etc.
Or login
After logging in:
All the changes you do can be viewed in a mobile browser(image resembling a mobile,see below image) on the right side of the page. So you can make sure that the changes made are fit for mobile users.
You can also see a directory of files and pages on the left side of the page as in the below picture
You can directly share your web url or a specific page using the direct sharing option(on the right top corner of the editing page)
You can also add ready to use templates
You can also customize it
You can also modify your website on the move

Get A Free .tk Domain And Domain Forwarding

This article will help you to get a free .tk domain. The .tk domain is provided by a company (.tk is a geographical level domain). Here, you can also get it freely. This trick help you to make a redirection url like yourwebsite.tk. This trick helps you to get rid of those .blogspot.com,.something.com domains. Once you get a .tk domain and when one access that url,he/she will be taken to the website you have assigned for redirection. Or in short when you go to something.tk(example), you will be taken to your website. Or .tk can help you and your users to access your website(as I said above those .blogspot.com etc) through an alternate way. So just follow these steps and share your free .tk domain and let visitors visit your blog or any subdomain blogs.
Go to www.dot.tk
search for the availability of the required domain name
If its available you will be taken to a page like this
(the given below name is only for demonstration purpose)
In the option ‘forward this domain to’ under ‘use your new domain’(first option ,see above image), give the url of your .blogspot or any other long url(most probably your websites url). You can also assign a DNS for your domain.
(This step is inevitable other wise there is no use with your domain). For example consider that my blog address is myblogslongurl.subdomain.com (ex:blogspot.blogspot.com). While registering for a .tk domain I will give this url for forwarding (step 4,let the registered domain name be bloggee.tk) . Once created, when someone goes to blogee.tk, they will be taken to bloogspot.blogspot.com. so they don’t need to type the full url
Then signup with a valid email or using any social media
Then you will get a confirmation mail. Click on that link and type the code you got in the mail(recommended to activate your account)
Once done you can login to your account to use their apps and other functionalities

Youtube Hacks


Just enter the URL of the video clip into tubereplay.com and it will play over and over again, until you stop it.


download youtube hacks

and press enter , after this will appear website where you’ll be able to download youtube video. 


 Just append ?rel=0&start=38 to skip first 38s of the video. In general you can modify the value after start= to the number of seconds you want to skip the video for. 

 <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JbNf0QMT3Eg?rel=0&start=38" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ></iframe>


Just go to SynchTube and set up a “room” up to 50 other people with a chat window along the side so you can IM about what’s happening .


tubechop.com is online service that allows you to make your edited selection by sliding a bar along a timeline .


To watch any video in higher quality on Youtube, just add this at the end of the link: &fmt=18 (stereo, 480 x 270 resolution) or &fmt=22(stereo, 1280 x 720 resolution) . Somewhat like this;

improve yuality youtube hack

This is normal youtube links, you must add &fmt=18
youtube hack
After you’ve added &fmt=18 or &fmt=6, quality will improve


Don’t want people to see other people’s content that may be related ,just add ‘?rel=0? to the end of the url part of the embed !

 <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JbNf0QMT3Eg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ></iframe>


If you work presentation in Powerpoint, then is very useful add videos to make presentation much interesting and to keep the attention of the audience. Let´s say you need to add video from youtube.com, for beginning , you shoulddownload video and convert in a format you can use in Powerpoint. There are many ways to do it, I personally use kickyoutube; the best way to download and convert video form youtube, at least by my opinion. Read more at my previous article Add A Youtube Video To Your PowerPoint Presentation.


You can make the video play automatically by adding &autoplay=1 to the url part of the embed code

 <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JbNf0QMT3Eg?rel=0&autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ></iframe>


DragonTape is online service that allows you to search for the clips you want, drag and drop to set up the play order and then share the playlist with friends via an auto-generated URL, or embed it with the code provided.


video2mp3.net allows you to convert youtube videos to MP3 files .


Login in to your YouTube account and go here http://www.youtube.com/account#playback/quality


If you want to watch videos and wanna do it without leaving your current browser page, then there are browser add-ons available for that purpose.
Firefox add-on – YouPlayer
Gogole Chrome add-on – Yousearch 


Connect your PC to TV and go to youtube.com/xl . It is a version of YouTube optimized for watching YouTube videos on any large screen.


Use TimeTube , it’s service that creates a YouTube video timeline based on keywords you enter.


Youtube doesn’t allow clickable link inside the video, but Linkedtube gives a great opportunity to add your own clickable link in Youtube video while you embed into your webpage. Visit linkedtube.com and enter the video id which you want to embed and add your clickable link. Copy the code and paste into your webpage.


Just type in web browser this url , in this example I searched keyword hacks , instead q=hacks , you can type what ever you want.

HP teaches you Windows 8 because Microsoft won’t

HP teaches you Windows 8 because Microsoft won’t

If you’ve used Windows 8 and wondered how on earth to do the most basic tasks, you’re far from alone. It took us weeks to work out we could unlock a PC with the Space bar, and accidentally right-clicking in the bottom-left corner of the screen was a real revelation — try it and you’ll see what we mean.
These are incredibly basic things Microsoft should have taught us from the beginning, but didn’t. And with the final version of Windows — at least the RTM we’ve used — it still doesn’t. The extent of the teaching is a single animation during installation, which simply shows you how to move your mouse to the corner of the screen – with no explanation of why or when to do so.
So it’s both sad and entirely logical that third-parties educating users themselves. As reported by Windows Observer, HP has launched a free Getting Started with Windows 8 app in the Microsoft Store, which offers users text guides, video tutorials and links to forums and help pages.
HP Getting Started with Windows 8
Admittedly, right now it’s mostly populated by Windows 7 tips, with a few even stretching back to XP, but we’re still nearly two months from full public release. OEMs have until then to get their apps up to speed, and Store applications were opened up a few weeks ago for that reason.
Hopefully by the end of October, the HP app will be full of useful tips and tricks, such as how to get Metro to appear as little as possible, or how to find the Shut Down button, or why the hell there’s no Start menu.
Despite what Microsoft says, those are the questions new users will have after five minutes with the OS. It’s good to see a major manufacturer acknowledge that, even if Microsoft won’t.

The 10 best Android hacks

The 10 best Android hacks

HTCDesireZThe web’s massed fanboy armies will debate the relative merits of iOS and Android until the apocalypse, but there’s no denying Google’s OS wins out when it comes to customisation – and, if you’ve taken the plunge and rooted your device, then a whole load more options will become available.
It sounds like a complex procedure but, for virtually all Android handsets, it’s surprisingly easy: our own Technical Editor, Darien Graham-Smith, explained how to do it back in September, and instructions for major handsets – such as the HTC DesireSamsung Galaxy S and Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 are easy enough to find, although you’ll be taking your phone and, perhaps, your warranty, into your own hands if you proceed.
Still, that’s not to say that you need a rooted handset to take advantages of some of these tweaks – here are ten of our favourite Android hacks and tricks, rooted or not:

Replace your car’s satnav system

This will only work if you’ve got a phone that can connect over a TV-out cable – that’ll restrict you to a mere handful of handsets, including the Samsung Galaxy S, HTC EVO 4G and Droid Incredible, which is used in this video – and a car that’ll display the signal on its screen.
If you tick those boxes, though, you could be in for a money-saving treat. Why invest in a satnav, after all, when you could use Google’s own software? It’s got undoubted pedigree: we put it through real-world road tests in the summer against many of its rivals and found it to be the best satnav option.
Satnav’s only the tip of the iceberg. Connect your phone to access your music collection, read your Twitter feed, check the latest headlines or perform any other function on your dashboard. While Android in cars has been mooted before, no concrete models have appeared, so this is the next best thing.

Run Android on your old iPhoneApple iPhone 3G

If you’ve still got an iPhone 2G or 3G gathering dust, it can be hard to know what to do with it – after all, you’ve likely replaced that older model with a snazzy new iPhone 4. If you’d like to experience the unrestricted pastures of Android, though – and perhaps try out apps that Steve Jobs has deemed unacceptable, such as the Wikileaks cables – then follow these steps, which begin with jailbreaking your phone.
You’re not restricted to installing Android on an old iPhone, either. Intrepid developers have busily ensured that a whole range of devices can be hacked to run Google’s OS: from the Windows Mobile-running HTC HD2 to an old netbook.

Overclock your handset

You’ll need to have rooted before trying this trick, but it’s worth it if your phone struggles when multi-tasking or running intensive applications.
Of course, as with a desktop PC, overclocking a phone comes with risks. The processor inside your handset’s been designed to run at a specific speed and, without any active cooling inside its chassis, running the chip at a faster pace will generate additional heat and use more power.
The versatility of these apps does mean that it’s possible to combat these symptoms by underclocking your phone’s processor, saving battery power and potentially prolonging the chip’s life in the process.

Play classic games

One potentially dubious benefit of Android’s open approach is that its market is full of software emulators for classic games consoles: a quick scan on AppBrain reveals software like SNesoid, GameBoid and Ataroid – apps that wear their retro allegiances firmly on their sleeves.
NES controller
While these tools occupy some particularly murky legal ground, that hasn’t stopped several developers creating apps to download ROMs – the software needed to play classic games. Some have been even more imaginative, with one intrepid Dell Streak owner attaching a NES controller to his device for more realistic retro gaming action.

Install Ubuntu

Why settle for just only open-source OS on your device? We suspect that this particular trick won’t work if you own older and less powerful Android devices such as the HTC Hero, but owners of newer, faster handsets might want to take a gander at this guide.
It’s an impressive trick – just imagine pulling out your Nexus One at a (very, very geeky) party and booting into Ubuntu. As neat as it is, we’re struggling to think of practical uses for this trickery. After all, Ubuntu isn’t designed for touch interfaces and small smartphone screens could be problematic, too.

Change your look

Android is the most versatile mobile OS around. Don’t believe us? Take a look at the sheer number of apps, themes and graphics that are available for customising your phone. Numerous apps are designed to replace Android’s stock front-end or manufacturer-provided software, with tools such as LauncherProHome++ and HelixLauncher just three of many in the Market.
That’s just the start. Basic modifications like wallpaper changes can be livened up with animated backgrounds, and new icons can be downloaded if you don’t like the standard ones included with your home screen replacement. Tools such as Beautiful Widgets have their own communities churning out hundreds of stylish skins for its software.
It’s also worth taking a gander at some of the home screens posted on Reddit’s Android forum: with examples such as thisthis and this regularly making the rounds, it’s no surprise that Google’s OS is doing so well for itself.

Install root-only apps

Rooting your phone opens it up to a whole new world of options, not least the chance to install apps that aren’t available in the regular Market. Plenty of these allow extra control over the behind-the-scenes operations of your phone: some provide quick booting options, others allow your system to access extra memory, and more permit developers to access and edit the SQL databases used by most standard apps.
Plenty of root apps prove themselves useful in other ways. Screenshot tools will prove invaluable if you’re used to the faff of getting screenshots from a stock Android phone, which involves installing the Android SDK and jumping through several dozen hoops. Backup tools, Wi-Fi tethering and battery-management and conservation utilities are all commonplace, too. Root apps tend to be on the geeky end of the spectrum, but they’re very useful.

Control your media centre

Having a smartphone means that your media collection needn’t be limited to your PC. Install an app like Gmote alongside its PC server software and you’ll see what we mean: by using Wi-Fi streaming it’ll grant access to your entire media collection.
Its slick interface makes navigating your media collection a doddle and a couple of options mean that you can choose to play files on your PC or on your phone. It’s also possible to switch to a touchpad-style interface that allows you to take control of your PC from your touchscreen.

Open your garage door

Yes, seriously. It’s the work of one imaginative Android owner, and it’s brilliant.

Get the latest Android versions, fast

Every Android user is familiar with the seemingly endless waiting that punctuates every OS update: while Google might announce that the latest version is available, handset owners still have to twiddle their thumbs while their manufacturer and phone network tweak the software and add plenty of crapware before releasing it to paying customers.
If you’ve rooted your phone, though, then you don’t have to go through any of that hassle; instead, merely wait for an eager developer to release a ROM of the latest Android build and you’re good to go. It certainly beats waiting months for HTC to release the 2.1 update for the Hero.

How To Make A Backup Of Wireless Configurations In Android

How To Make A Backup Of Wireless Configurations In Android

For the geeks Android frequently changing ROM the act of having to reconfigure the wireless networks can be a real big hassle, because when you install a new ROM you must make several “ wipe ”thus losing all data stored in the device, including all passwords and network configurations saved. There are many applications that allow the backup of these configurations, but most of them are paying for this today and we’ll show you how,  without using any application,  we can  make a backup of wireless configurations.

Backup configurations of wireless

This guide works with most of Android devices, and requires root permissions .
Backup on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread):
  • Get a file manager with access to root privileges (recommended Solid Explorer which is free)
  • Open the file manager and position of / data / wifi / and copy the file bcm_supp.conf  save it somewhere.
Backup on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich):
  • Get a  file manager  with access to  root privileges  (recommended  Solid Explorer  which is free)
  • Open the file manager and position of  / data / misc / wifi /  and copy the file wpa_supplicant.conf  save it somewhere.

Resetting wireless settings

  • Return the file . conf  previously saved in its original folder (in  / data / wifi / or if you have Gingerbread / data / misc / wifi / if you have ICS) overwriting the file (if present).
  • Change the file permissions to the file manager and impostateteli like this:
    • Owner:  Read – Write
    • Group:  Read – Write
    • Other:  all unchecked
  • Reboot the phone to make the changes effective.
Really very simple, isn’t it?

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